Lesson Fees
Fees for private lessons depend on the teacher and time slot chosen. Please contact us for lesson rates.
No lessons will be taught without prior payment. Monthly tuition is calculated according to the number of lesson days per calendar month.
A payment schedule can be downloaded here or hard copies can be obtained in the studio:
Invoices will be emailed to you at the beginning of each month for payment by Interac E-Transfer.
Alternatively, monthly post-dated cheques payable to Ashby Musical Enterprises can be submitted for each term (September-December, January-June, July-August). Cheques should be dated for the first of each month. There will be a $20 charge for N.S.F. cheques.
We will notify you when study materials are needed. You are welcome to purchase materials at the store of your choice, however, Ashby Musical Enterprises offers the majority of required lesson books at competitive prices and you will likely find it convenient to allow AME to provide these materials. Material fees will be invoiced.
We attempt to create a schedule that is convenient for all; however, some flexibility is required from all parties. The lesson year runs from September through June. Students are encouraged to take lessons in the summer as this is an opportunity to be free of academic pressures and focus on improving technique or studying theory. However, the choice to not take summer lessons/classes will not forfeit a student’s acceptance in the fall. Each summer, the fall lesson schedule is formed by giving choices to students in order of longevity with the studio (i.e. Families who have been with me longest get first choice on lesson times.) The current weekly lesson schedule is posted here for your perusal if you would like to request a time change.
Cancelled or Missed Lessons
The general policy for missed lessons is a make-up lesson, not a refund. Teacher-initiated cancellations will be rescheduled or credited. Student-initiated cancellations will only be rescheduled in legitimate circumstances (sickness, unsafe travel due to weather, etc.) if advance notice is given. Please notify us as far in advance as possible of any foreseen conflicts (vacations, school trips, etc.) so that we can work these out in the best way possible.
Lessons begin at the scheduled time. We cannot be responsible for late arrivals. Please do your best to arrive on time.
If you need to withdraw from lessons for some reason, we would appreciate a minimum of 2 weeks notice.
Communication is vital to preventing misunderstandings. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here or call 905-963-1268.